About Us
NAILS Program:
To unite people and organisations in Australia supporting different National and Anti-Imperialist struggles – community groups, exiles and migrants, students and intellectuals, unions, religious associations and others
➢ in pursuit of unified action against the peoples’ and national oppressors,
US and other imperialisms and local tyranny;
➢ to build awareness and mobilise wider sections of people across Australia
in action in Solidarity with those struggles;
➢ to organise and participate in action in Solidarity with National & Anti-
imperialist struggles;
➢ to coordinate spontaneous local Solidarity activity for different struggles
overseas into organised united activity to disrupt and end Australian
Government coordination with and support for US and other imperialisms,
and local tyrants, and their suppression of National and Anti-imperialist
➢ to coordinate with people and groups in other parts of the world in united
international action aimed at weakening and isolating US and other
imperialisms and local tyrants in their oppression of National and Anti-
imperialist struggles;
➢ to force the Australia Government to cease support for and condemn,
sanction, internationally isolate and oppose US and other imperialisms and
local tyrants which National and Anti-imperialist struggles battle to throw
off their backs